An Introduction and a Commitment featuring Tarot Cards

 Hi Everyone! My name is Tatjana and welcome to my blog, ‘Creating Eternity with Tatjana’! ๐Ÿ˜‡

I thought I would write a quick introduction of myself and a little bit of what to expect from the blog moving forward.

So, a little bit about myself!

I am a recent graduate from OCAD University’s Sculpture & Installation program and I am a practicing artist based in Ontario, Canada. I also try to dabble in other things that interest me such as spirituality, comparative religion, arts & crafts, and other self-improvement stuff I guess! That’s a REALLY broad term, I know! Hopefully during this journey you’ll accompany me in molding what that means exactly. And hopefully I can inspire you to think about these things for yourself. I am also a freshly opened Etsy Seller! Well, okay, I’ve been open since June of this year but it’s definitely another layer as to what I do.

OKAY! Intro done! Now onto the meat of this post!

So, I’ve been agonizing over what to post as my very first blog entry and I think talking about things other than what’s going globally right now is kind of hard. I’m one of those people that will over thinking a lot of things ad nauseam and while I think we’ve all heard to some extent or another that over-thinking is the worst thing you can do, it does certainly grant some interesting insights.

I don’t know about you, but I feel as if this year has been well, odd to say the least. But it has also been revealing. It’s almost been a wakeup call as to what needs to change, what has to go, who am I and what kind of life do I want to lead. I feel like we are all feeling this to varying degrees aside from the fear, anger and overall confusion with regards to living during a global pandemic. 

Quick disclaimer here: I know it’s been certainly tougher for others than it has for me and I don’t want to sound like I am speaking for you, because I don’t. You know you’re experience better than anyone else. Don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

Recently, me and my sister did a tarot reading for my mother. She’s been going through a really rough time so for the sake of brevity, I’ll avoid the details. I will say for context that my mother lives in Mexico while myself and my younger sister live in Canada. Long story short, my mother has dealt with a lot of hardships with regard to her business and other affairs pertaining to living down there (all of which pretty much started when my father passed away) that COVID just aggravated even more. So, me and my sister did a reading for her and after talking to her about what the cards said, I couldn’t help but feel like this is something we can all learn from.

The cards that came up were the following (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: I am no Tarot expert or psychic. I’m just someone who happens to be really interested in it and use it primarily for self-reflection and occasionally I’ll do readings for others though it’s usually relegated to my family. Moving on!)

(These are the Golden Tarot of Klimt deck if you are interest in getting a set for yourself! I absolutely love these.)

  • Five of Pentacles Reversed
  • Page of Wands Upright
  • Eight of Pentacles Upright
  • Judgement Upright

The cards that to me stood out the most was the first and the last. A quick run down of what those cards mean (or what I felt from them when they emerged):

  • Five of Pentacles Reversed: At its core, its about impoverishment. Yes, a material poverty checks out given that Pentacles is associated with material gains and wealth but also - and in my opinion more importantly- spiritual impoverishment. I’m not talking about the kind of spiritual impoverishment that some overzealous religious followers would have you believe but rather a sense that you’ve put the material above the things that matter most. Whatever that means for you. It could be as simple as knowing that you’ve been working so hard for financial security that you’ve neglected a relationship. It could be anything that you feel like you have deprived yourself of in the pursuit of things that maybe haven’t provided you with that sense of meaning in your life.
  • Judgement: Being a Major Arcana card, this considered to be linked to major life events. It’s the penultimate card in the deck before The World which is represented of a completed journey and a sense of wholeness (again, this is a very abridged description. If you want to know more I highly recommend checking or other tarot sources). Overall, Judgement concerns itself with heeding a call deep within ourselves. It’s a mix of intellect and intuition when faced with hard choices that will close certain doors forever. It asks us to feel into this high frequency which we have reached and decide to be in alignment with our higher self.

Alright so, what does this have to do with us now? Well, to me, everything. I remember when we were forced into lockdown back in March and the first few weeks I think a lot of us had a sense of realizing that this capitalist, fast-paced go-go-go mentality was actually super toxic for us. As if we didn’t know that already, I know! But it seemed to become clearer. Part of me dreaded coming out of it thinking that we didn’t learn our lesson. It definitely shows that we haven’t. But just like the above cards, realization is coupled with a sort of judgement that succeeds it. 

2020 is the year that all of us had to separate the wheat from the chaff. Certainly I agree that these past four years have been a testament to divisiveness. Now we need to be able to merge the intellectual and the intuitive. And that’s not just on a global scale, but on a personal scale. This is all of our call to heed. What that call is is different for each and everyone of us.

What kind of people do we want to be?

What is our highest good?

And what actions are in alignment with those values?

Nice little post to get this blog started, huh?! ๐Ÿ˜œ Which begs to question: WHY this kind of post to start? Well, because I think when faced with these questions, intentions of moving forward and how arise. I’ve never really liked the prospect of expressing myself very openly online. God knows I have many regrets as to what I did say in the past online. And maybe this will be the same. But I want to move forward anyways in hope that this is in alignment with who I am. And at least so far, it does. ๐Ÿ˜

So, won’t you stay with me and come along for this journey? I’d love to have you. ๐Ÿ˜š

That’s all for now! Have a wonderful weekend, month, year as much as you can and I’m hoping you’ll tune in for the next post. ๐Ÿ’“




        PERSONAL: @tatjana.koso
        ART: @tatjana_anandamaya 
        SHOP: @creationseterna
        The Art of Tatjana Reithofer 

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