To the Exegesis of Wild Voices: Finding Your Own kind of Spirituality
Hello there again! First off, thank you to those who took the time to read my blog post! You’re amazing and I hope to hear more from you all. π Today I’m just gonna go off on a whim and talk about something that I find near and dear to my heart and it does somehow tie into last week’s post. So for the majority of my time in art school, I always felt a particular pull to spirituality or at least the search of connecting to something higher than ourselves. Particularly with regards to how everyone gets to that point where they want to call themselves spiritual. Now, Reading this back to myself, I can’t help but cringe a bit to how I’m phrasing this! πBest way I can put it and yet it still sounds kind of basic, I know! So, for context, I do call myself a Christian though I don’t always feel like that category makes a lot of sense when compared to how it is practiced and how christians interpret holy scripture. Hell, I can’t even claim I’ve read the Bible in its entirety. I think it’s ju...